3 Life-Changing Lessons I learned from Tuscany

By Kelsey Gibson

"My idea of heaven still is to drive the gravel farm roads of Umbria and Tuscany, very pleasantly lost. "

-Frances Mayes

Tuscany seems to have a magic power that consumes your whole being. It has the power to completely change your view on life and help you find your true self. There are a countless number of books and movies that are based in the Tuscan hills because this region of Italy is truly a fairytale. It seems too good to be true, but maybe it’s that beautiful truth that sets you free.

Tuscany has changed my life for the better and I can say with confidence that I am addicted to it. A huge chunk of my heart is here in Florence, Tuscany’s capital, and I can speak for most people that spend time here…it gets harder to leave each time.

Here are some of our reasons why we think traveling throughout Tuscany has the power to change your life for the better:

Photo courtesy of kelsey gibson

Photo courtesy of kelsey gibson

"Beauty: the aggregate of qualities that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit"

1. The Natural Beauty 

Tuscany, and every part within it, perfectly depicts the definition of beauty. It pleases each and every one of your senses from the sight of the hills, trees and medieval architecture, the smell and taste of the fresh olives and grapes, and the sound and feeling of the peacefulness.

Once you arrive, you will realize the beauty in the big picture of your surroundings and you will start seeing the beauty in the simple things around you in your life. It will make you a more observant and attentive person to the details that make up the sweetest moments.

You will no longer wait for the big adventures, but rather really enjoy the small things that make each day more unique and beautiful than the day before.

"The most important aspects of Italian culture are food and community."

photo courtesy of kelsey gibson

photo courtesy of kelsey gibson

2. Quality over quantity

Throughout your travels, you will find yourself in food comas often because you will not be able to resist the authentic and vibrant flavors in everything you taste.

You will quickly realize that tomatoes are not bland, olive oil actually tastes like olives and differs from one another, and wine is an art that is meant to be appreciated with each sip. You will appreciate quality of the products and ingredients rather than the convenience and quantity of the goods.

This goes with more than just food too…you will gain a sense of quality within your relationships and friendships as well.

3. Serenity

The hills have a sense of peacefulness and serenity that will make you realize simplicity is the key to happiness. You will be able to take a step back and unavoidably let go of the little worries and problems that prevent you from seeking the joy in your life.

Whether you are sitting in the hills enjoying some wine or walking through a Tuscan town, you can clear your head easily with the lack of chaos, the subtle live street music, and simply losing yourself in the loveliness around you. You can sit back and think in the tranquility while watching the world continue on.

When you return home and the worries start to resurface, you will have a new perspective on how to conquer the and turn your problems calmly into solutions. Serenity will come more natural than before and you will want to share this bliss with those around you!

photo courtesy of kelsey gibson

photo courtesy of kelsey gibson

“When you travel you become invisible if you want. I do want. I like to be the observer.”

What have you learned from your time traveling Italy? We would love to hear from you below! 


Who would not want to live and travel under the Tuscan sun and through the streets of Tuscan towns filled with gelato, wine, cheese, and passion?!

Come with us on our Tuscan Women’s Tour to realize all of this for yourself and more!

The Legend of the Black Rooster (Gallo Nero)

Picture this: You’re at a picnic table in a hilltop town in the beautiful hills of with a bottle of Chianti Classico wine. As you take your first sip, you mouth explodes with a variety of spices and the taste of fresh red fruits. While this wine is perfectly light to go with fatty Italian meats, it is full of a rich history. 

You may have noticed that some wine bottles here in Chianti are marked with what the Italian's call Gallo Nero. Curious the meaning behind this symbolic black rooster?

photo by kelsey gibson

photo by kelsey gibson


The black rooster has been a symbol of power, victory, and pride for the Florentines since the 1200s. Siena and Florence were in constant dispute over their territories, but when the rich soil of the Chianti region was up for debate, both sides were willing to race for it. Both Siena and Florence each got to pick one horseman and one rooster. While Siena chose a plump white rooster that was well-fed and nurtured, the Florentines picked a black rooster deprived of both food and daylight.

Once each side chose their rooster, the rules were determined. On the morning of the race, the horseman could begin to ride when their rooster crowed. Then, wherever the two horsemen met is where they would define boundaries.

photo by kelsey gibson

photo by kelsey gibson


Here’s the exciting part: the night before the race, the horsemen were ready to go…all that was between them and riding for victory was the simple sound of their rooster’s call in the morning. As the anxiety built up throughout night and even before the morning light, the black rooster, hungry and sleep deprived, crowed well before Siena’s rooster giving the Florentine rider an extravagant head start. On the other side, the white rooster with a full belly woke up much later from a deep sleep and caused Siena to lose much time and land. By the actual time the two horsemen met, Florence had conquered almost all of the land in the Chianti region and won it over Siena.

Ever since this day, the black rooster has become a well-known symbol for great quality wine and Florentine victory.

So, Salute to Chianti, Florence, and of course… the Black Rooster!

Want to try some fabulous wines? Then Join one of our trip or let us plan a trip for you!




Traveling Abroad with Your Family: 13 Quick Tips To Save You Time and Money!

Guest Post By: Jenna Greenspoon and Lisa Korbin, Owners of Savvy Sassy Moms

Family vacations are such a special time and being able to take our families around the world is something we are so grateful for. We both began traveling with our kids when they were young, as young as 6 weeks old.

While traveling with young kids is amazing, preparing for the trip brings on lots of anxiety! What to bring and how much, where to begin?! Over the years, we have compiled a list to assist us in acclimatizing our children to time differences, climate changes, and combating boredom.



1. Get plenty of rest before your trip. Often times a family excursion is exhausting, you may be on the go for most of your travel and you can’t count on sleeping on the plane with children in tow!

2. Preparation and organization are key to successful travel with children. Select travel bags that have multiple pockets, keep games and activities in the front compartments for easy access. Ensure all of your children’s favourite items are in those front pockets! And don’t forget to leave room for the additional clothes you are wearing that may need to be thrown into the bags.

3. Load up on dollar store items such as; no-mess crafts and activities, water painting, scratch away crafts, sticker books with loads of stickers and notebooks.

"Buying small inexpensive activities at the dollar store will provide entertainment without breaking the bank, since you’ve attributed all extra funds to the trip itself!"



4. Where are you traveling to? Consider what can be purchased there or ordered ahead of time to arrive at your destination such as diapers, wipes and other children’s items that you may need. This will save space!

"Ask your children to help you pack. This way they know where everything is and hopefully good packing skills will be instilled when they have to pack for themselves later on! "

5. Ask your children to help you pack. This way they know where everything is and hopefully good packing skills will be instilled when they have to pack for themselves later on! For the little ones, have them select 2 or 3 toys that they want to bring along so that they when they arrive, they know what has come from home.

6. Pack outfits in order to eliminate unnecessary clothing. Try not to throw anything in at the last minute, it will probably never be worn.

7. For young kids, pack their clothes in outfits as well and put them in big ziploc bags to save space in your suitcase!



8. Pack snacks that are easy to travel with and containers that are reusable and easy to clean. You will be grateful to have snack containers with you on your trip!

9. Dress in layers for travel. It may be hot in the morning but the second you board the plane or are in the car for prolonged periods of time, you may be cold. If you are traveling to a warm climate, you will immediately want to enjoy the warm weather and shed a few layers upon arrival.



10. Bring travel wet-wipes to keep your hands clean. Your children will be touching everything and so is everyone else. Travel tissues are also a good thing to have on hand!

11. Do not wear anything white on the plane, in the car or at anytime with children on your trip!

12. Make sure that anything important, such as medications, are packed in your carry-on bag. You will never know when you will need it.

13. If you are traveling with young children, make sure to make any arrangements for items needed such as a crib or car seat, ahead of time. Call the place you are staying and be specific about what you need!

"Most importantly, remember the Italian mentality: Take a deep breath, enjoy your time with your family and have fun!"


Meet the Authors |
Featured Guest Bloggers: Lisa & Jenna 

With a strong foundation in childhood education and a driving passion for their work and families, Lisa and Jenna are both prepared and looking forward to the next phase of their lives as working moms. Using their experience as mothers and educators, they will do their best to share their knowledge, the love of learning, and a wealth of valuable personal experiences – the good, the bad, and the ugly – in dedication to the pursuit of happy, healthy families everywhere and creating a worldwide (and web) community of savvy, sassy moms.

Be sure to check out more on Lisa and Jenna at SavvySassyMoms.com, an online style magazine for moms.